This is nothing new, this has been the case literally since I’ve been young, especially at the smaller meetings (circuit, one-day, the yearly ‘special’ and regional assemblies) in non-public venues whereas public venues (3 day assemblies), most of the venues still had a monument or a park that had to remain open to the public so we were told to inform people this was a private event if they got too close/loud/interruptive.
Anony Mous
JoinedPosts by Anony Mous
Is WT Using ATTENDANTS At The Conventions To Be: "TOY COPS"
by HiddlesWife ini have heard from a few ppimis and several pimos that the attendants who are stationedly-assigned to the front entrances of the borgvenues (cahs and other arenas) have been checking to see if any persons (members and non-member visitors) have badges.
on the other hand, if these persons don't have one, this is what i was told that these dubs do this: corral around the non-badge-wearing individual and interrogate he/she/them plus questioning them, "why are you here?!".
also, even if that person or persons have an invitation plus showed it to these dubs, these toy cops still do that procedure.
Why didn't God create us to be obviously different?
by SydBarrett ina silly question since i'm an atheist but one i thought of as a kid jw.
why weren't human's created to be obviously different from animals?
among believers there is some sort of universal hierarchy.
Anony Mous
Because the gods were lazy. Lot easier to make many different cars if you don’t have to change the chassis.
If you believe in creation, then god must have had some pressure from finance or marketing because many shortcuts were made to finish the project on time.
We’ll fix it later, nobody will notice - God, the first real engineer.
JW current stance on Vaccines?
by lcarter017 init came to my attention that the covid-19 vaccine works by editing the genetic code of the mitochondrial dna, using gene therapy.. you should seriously question the moral implications of allowing a part of your dna to be modified.
does anyone have any concerns about this?if anyone has any questions, i can do my best to explain.
i personally find it very suspicious how they chose to word it, and conveniently inform us of this fact "after" people have taken the vaccine..
Anony Mous
I knew the pope was quite progressive, but didn’t know they went that far to comply with COVID vaccine requirements. No wonder there is a schism building amongst Catholics.
I still don’t understand the logical differentiation between committing a sin and benefiting from that sin, in pure legal parlance, if you benefit from a crime you are at least partially culpable for that crime, because if nobody benefited, there wouldn’t have been a crime in the first place. So too, if you need aborted babies’ stem cells or human/animal blood to produce your vaccines, even if it is fractional, the demand for the vaccine creates or enables the sin.
It’s very much like Satan in the garden, he was punished because he suggested a benefit in the product of sin, he didn’t suggest it wasn’t a sin or that the fruit in itself had properties. Likewise David simply ordered the death of Bathsheba’s husband, he didn’t kill himself, but benefited from it and was punished for it.
I don’t have a leg in this fight, I don’t believe in the gods or their stories, but I’m just wondering where the consistency lies.
JW current stance on Vaccines?
by lcarter017 init came to my attention that the covid-19 vaccine works by editing the genetic code of the mitochondrial dna, using gene therapy.. you should seriously question the moral implications of allowing a part of your dna to be modified.
does anyone have any concerns about this?if anyone has any questions, i can do my best to explain.
i personally find it very suspicious how they chose to word it, and conveniently inform us of this fact "after" people have taken the vaccine..
Anony Mous
That’s always been interesting to me what Fisherman here says. Back in the day, any blood parts in any product was a big no-no, that has been changed since as they were facing many lawsuits about dead children. I remember the time when we were given pieces of paper at the service meetings that we then had to glue in our books (Everlasting Life I believe was the ‘study’ book, it was a marbled red) and the blood brochures and we all got the new blood cards when that changed.
mRNA and some other vaccines are developed however with the assistance of aborted babies’ stem cells, which (strict) Catholics and various Evangelical groups won’t accept but JW leaves it open to interpretation.
Unbelievable Amount of PIMOS at Massachusetts JW Convention
by RESPECTFUL OBSERVER inthis comment was made on reddit, perhaps protesting is starting to get the witnesses' attention.. it amazed me how many jehovah's witnesses exiting the convention were reading the protester's signs.
some of the witnesses were taking pictures of the signs.
jws were going by and smiling and giving a thumbs up.
Anony Mous
As far as the nice cars, many, many witnesses have let their kids go to college over the years and many are doing relatively well as a result.
Sure, there are some tradespeople, but hard working people can be brutally honest and have strong family ties, many tradespeople have also gotten politically activated against the COVID BS and the demanded shots from the Borg would have turned many of them. Those are the ‘high profile’ cases where entire families end up leaving the borg because the patriarch woke up.
To remain gullible or deceptive enough to stay, you need a non-STEM higher education and work in HR, business administration or other such non-operational jobs that keeps people isolated from strong family ties, ‘worldly’ community involvement and get shielded from any information that would challenge their world view.
"How Long Would Jesus' Reign Be?"
by BoogerMan insimple enough question for a jw to answer, because the org has told them for over 100 years that, .
a) jesus would reign for 1000 years, and.
b) that his reign began in 1914 when he became king.
Anony Mous
@Fisherman: you cant interpret words like short period or quickly on their face.
Then you can’t interpret the rest of the words on their face either. If one portion of the prophecy isn’t literal, none of it should be interpreted as literal unless there is a clear modifier somewhere along the way. You can’t speak of the end of the world as literal, you can’t speak of Christ coming or going or caring about his flock, or hell, binding Satan as literal. Maybe it was all figurative and he is going to come and with some effort you can bind satan in your heart but death and evil is going to continue to exist, because hey, it wasn’t literal.
So anything he does or doesn’t do isn’t going to happen literally, ever.
Need Update Regarding Popularity of These
by Ardian inthe artcile makes the watchtower the most popular magazine on some amibigious points.
is it still that popular?.
Anony Mous
It is a bit more complicated than that, Watchtower in Europe is not the same as Watchtower in the US. Yes, they may have the same title and distributed by the same organization, but content they are often different with articles either being swapped out, delayed, different amount of articles etc.
Elsevier for example publishes a subscription for over a thousand similar looking magazines organized by about a dozen topics to hundreds of thousands of people each across the world. Would that subscription be considered a single magazine in the way that WTBTS does, then they would easily beat Watchtower by an order of magnitude.
Besides that fact, they are by no means the largest distributor, I would say that falls to AARP in the US or possibly one of the larger European groups that distributes things like TV magazines across many countries and these days with things going digital, it is easy to ‘distribute’ a single magazine to millions of people.
"Independent" Scotland joke!
by BoogerMan inhumza yousaf, scotland's first minister, said: "scotland, i'm afraid, is suffering because we are not independent.
try telling that to scotland's tourists and many island communities: the ferry services are dying month by month, and the two new overdue & over-budget ferries justify a serious legal/criminal enquiry.. any bunch of incompetents who can't provide a small country with a ferry service and a legally binding contract to build 2 new boats - having controlled scotland since 2007 - has no credibility in claiming they could run a country!.
Anony Mous
@Journeyman, per your previous question, the raw question of whether to stay or leave is pretty dumb. Most surveys don’t frame it under any conditions, arrangements or plans. It’s like the million dollar question I demonstrated, it depends on what you mean by that.
Is it remaining within an economic union with the UK, is it with the goal of rejoining the EU as SNP proposes, those are very big differences and people that truly want to be independent mag still agree with an economic union.
The UK had a plan when it left the EU, people voted accordingly, the plan didn’t go perfect but went better than what remainers had hoped and is paying dividends already (imagine a COVID disaster or the current financial recession in the EU where the UK continued to pay for the entire EU, or the current unrest in France due to ongoing forced immigration happening in London).
SNP is talking about a split with the UK only to join the EU, that isn’t the independence the Scottish people want, hence currently people don’t want to split from UK by like 60/40 to 70/30. Give people a pathway to freedom (as I said before, split from the UK, lower taxes and abolish government disasters like the NHS) and people would happily vote for it I think.
God and Unicorns
by Sea Breeze inatheist scientists now agree that "elasmotherium sibiricu" lived with humans.
all they had to do was read their bible to know that.
job 39:9 “will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?”.
Anony Mous
@SB: you once again come with assumptions that do not pass any logic. The only dinosaur bones we have are the ones that were preserved through some process. Obviously you are not going to find anything that either wasn’t preserved or wasn’t preserved sufficiently long. They are not randomly selected, they are the only selection we have. It’s similar to saying you have a string of numbers, someone (time in this case) eliminates all the non-prime numbers and you then conclude non-prime numbers don’t exist despite the fact you can easily deduce the rest of the series from the examples.
God and Unicorns
by Sea Breeze inatheist scientists now agree that "elasmotherium sibiricu" lived with humans.
all they had to do was read their bible to know that.
job 39:9 “will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?”.
Anony Mous
Again, your source is a creationist blog post that is based solely on a supposed paper, although the links to the supposed paper point to a non-existent page on another young earth creationist website, likely taken down out of embarrassment.
It’s like pointing to for the evidence on WTBTS eschatology.
Even so, I’m going to assume they found trace amounts of C14 (as in fractions of percent modern carbon), which if you understand half-life is actually to be expected and at those levels make carbon dating useless as it is almost impossible to accurately measure. But it at the same time disproves the young earth model.
Half-life, the time it takes for an element to lose half its radioactivity and thus this follows a simple formula, 50% you’re at 6000 years (the half in half life) and about the age the Bible would make the earth out to be, 25% you’re now at 20,000 year, more than twice the Biblical age of the Universe, at the edges of accurate carbon dating (50,000 years) you’re at about 1%. At these points the science starts breaking down, you’re starting to have issues with both sample and background contamination - basically anyone who touched the sample or dust from the air or leftovers from previous experiments (you’re blowing up the sample to measure which leaves residue) is introducing fresh carbon.
If you want a young earth, you need everything to have about 50% modern carbon, diamonds don’t have that, your claim is debunked. Again, diamonds aren’t made out of C14, they’re made out of stable isotopes of carbon. C14 is radioactive, C12/13 is not.